
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Switch statement in C++

switch:- It is a multi branch statement which can be used to select and execute one of the available statements.
                                case 1:    statement 1;      break;
                                case 2:    statement 2;      break;
                                case n:    statement n;      break;
                                default:    statement d;
Where value can be a variable of type numeric or character. The case label 1 to n can also be written with constant identifiers.
                When the value assigned matches with case label 1 statement 1 is executed. The break statement written after statement 1 transfers the control out of the switch statement. When the value doesn’t match with case label 1 then it checks with case label 2 and so on. When the value assigned doesn’t match with any of the case labels (1 to n) then the default clause is considered and the statement d is executed.
                Default clause is optional like else clause in if-else-if-else statement.

case1:     cout<< “north”;      break;
case2:     cout<< “south”;      break;
case3:     cout<< “east”;        break;
case4:     cout<< “west”;       break;
default:   break;

Q. Write a program to display the grades as listed below by using switch statement
80-100             Distinction
60-79               Grade A
40-59               Grade B
Otherwise fail

void main()
int m;
cout<< “Enter marks scored: ”;
cin>> m;
switch( m/10 )                     //marks are divided by 10
case 10:
case 9:
case 8:       cout << “Distinction\n”;    break;
case 7:
case 6:       cout << “Grade A\n”;       break;
case 5:
case 4:       cout << “Grade B\n”;       break;
default:       cout << “Fail\n”;              break;

Q. Write a program to design simple calculator by using switch statement to carry out addition, multiplication, division and subtraction.
Q. Write a program to read a number from 1-7 and print day of week corresponding to that number using switch statement.


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