Arithmatic operators:- These operators are used to
carry out simple arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division etc.
+ addition
- subtraction
/ division
* multiplication
% remainders
14%5=4 14%(-5)=4 5%14=5 (-14)%5=-4
Thus the sign of the numerator determines the size of
Assignment operators:- The C++ uses
symbol ‘=’ as an identifier.
Example: a=10;
int b=5;
operator:- This operator always preceeds a value. Tha symbol – is generally
used as unary ‘-‘ as shown below.
Increment and decrement operator:- The C++
facilitates use of two new operators ‘++’ and ‘--‘ . The ‘++’ operator increments value of a
variable by 1 while – decrements the value of a variable by 1.
Example: ++a; a++;
=> a=a+1;
a--; => a=a-1;
let a=6
i) x=++a; => x=7 and a=7
ii) x=a++; =>
x=6 and a=7
In i) the value of a is
incremented by 1 i.e. a becomes 7 and then x is assigned with a new value which
is known as preincrement and operator used is called as preincrement operator.
In ii) the value of a is assigned
to x before incrementing a which is known as postincrement and operator used is
called as postincrement operator.
Relational operator:- Operators of this type are used
to compare two values for finding relation between the values. For instance:-
to find maximum of two numbers we have to use <,> operators.
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or
equal to
<= less than or equal
== to check equality
!= not equal to
In c++
the relational operator returns one when condition is true otherwise zero.
Logical operator:- These operators can be used to
connect two or more relational expressions or to find zero or non zero value
assigned with a variable. The C++ uses three logical operators.
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
! Logical NOT
The first two operators can always
be used between two values or relations while the third always precedes a value
or a relation. Logical operators treat non zero values as ‘1’ and zero values
as ‘0’.
Operator:- It is also known as ternary operator. It uses symbols ‘?’ and ‘:’
to form an operator.
Syntax: condition
? statement1 : statement2;
big= a>b ? a : b;
If value of a is greater than b then big=a
otherwise big=b.
Bitwise operator:- These operators can be used to
perform operations on binary digits known as bits. They include
Bitwise AND(&):- This operator
performs operation on two bits and provides bit ‘1’ as output if both the bits
are high(1) otherwise ‘0’.
Bitwise OR(|):- This operator performs
operation on two bits and provides bit ‘1’ as output when atleast one of the
bits is high(1) otherwise ‘0’.
Bitwise Ex-OR(^):- This operator performs
operation on two bits and provides bit ‘1’ as output when both the bits are
distinct otherwise ‘0’.
Bitwise 1’s complement(~):- It performs
operation on one bit and provides output ‘1’ for input ‘0’ and vice versa. This
is also known as bitwise NOT operator.
Shift right operator(>>):- This
operator shifts the binary bits of a number towards right and fills the leftmost blank position with ‘0’.
left operator(>>):- This operator shifts the binary bits of a number
towards left and fills the rightmost blank position
with ‘0’.
Shorthand operators:- The arithematic and bitwise
operators can be used as short hand operators as illustrated below.
a=a+b; => a+=b;
a=a-b; => a-=b;
a=a*b; => a*=b;
a=a^b; => a^=b;
Special operators:- The C++ supports a large number
of special operators. Few of them are listed below.
Coma(,):- It is used to separate a list
of variable in variable declaration.
&:- It is known as address operator
or reference operator. It is used to provide a duplicate name or to assign
address to a new variable.
*:- This is used to declare a pointer
variable of type int, float etc.
sizeof():- This operator provides or
display the size of a datatype in bytes. Remember
sizeof() is not a function.
Casting operator:- It is used to convert
one type of data into another type while executing a statement, temporarily.
int a=10,m=3;
New:- This operator is used to allocate
memory space or storage space for a pointer variable.
int *a;
a= new int[10];
delete:- This operator is used to release
memory space allocated to the pointer variable.
Scope resolution operator(::):- This
operator plays vital role in OOPs while expanding or defining function of a
class calling a static member function and also helps us to process a global
variable in functions.
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