A token is the smallest unit that can be processed by a c++
compiler. It can be categorized into different types namely:-
Keywords (or reserved words):- These are the words used for special purposes
or predefined tasks. These words should be written in small letters or
lowercase letters. Some of the keyword used in c++ are int, float, char,
double, long, void, for, while, do, if, else ...
Identifiers:- It is a name used to represent a
variable constant, array name, function name, class, object etc. There are some
rules while defining an identifiers:-
i) The first character of identifier should be an alphabet or underscore.
The rest can be letters or digits or underscore.
ii) Special characters except underscore can’t be part of identifiers.
iii) Keywords can’t be used as identifiers however keywords written in uppercase form can be used as
iv) Lower case and upper case letters are distinct.
Maximum length of an identifier can be of 31 characters. However the length varies
from one version of compiler to another version.
valid examples:- sum, a1, a2, _1, _a, average, a_b, x123y...
invalid examples:- 1a, a-b, float
Constants:- A value which remain constant throughout
the program execution is known as constant. An identifier can be declared as a
constant as illustrated below:-
i) # define N 20
ii) # define PI 3.14
const int M=35; or const m=35;
Note:- When the constant
identifier is of type integer, then keyword int is optional. As a default the
identifier is considered as integer. Only one value can be declared as constant
at a time with the keyword const.
Variables:- An identifier whose value can be
modified/ altered is known as a variable. A variable can be declared as shown
int a;
float x;
Here a
is a variable of type integer, x is a variable of type float, where as ch is a
variable of type char. Values can be assigned with a, x & ch as shown
a=10; x=7.5; ch=’d’; a=a+5;
Literals:- The
constant values used in c++ are known as literals, there are four type of
literals namely.
i) Integer constant:- A value written without fraction part is
known as integer constant. Example: 25, -674, 0 etc.
ii) Floating constant:- A value written with fraction part is
floating value. Value of this type can be written with or without exponent
form. Example: 2.34, -9.2154, 1.21E10
iii) Character constant:- A single character written within single
quotation marks is known as character constant. Example: ‘g’, ‘9’, ‘$’ etc
String constant:- It is an array of characters enclosed in double
quotation marks. Example: “Shubham”, “03-aug-2009”. Double quotation mark is a
delimiter which determines length of a string.
Data types:- In c++ a data type indicates what type
of value can be assigned with an identifier. The datatype can be grouped itno 3
Basic data type or built in data type:-
This data type provided by the compiler
can be used to declare an identifier as constant or variable. There are 5 types
of basic data types:-
i) Integer:-
This datatype is used to assign a value without fraction. It needs 2 bytes of storage
space. Short int, signed int, unsigned int, long int are also part of integer
used for different purpose. Its range is -32768 to 32767
ii) Float:-
This datatype is used to assign a floating value written with or without
exponents. It needs 8 bytes of storage space. Its range is 1.7E-308 to 1.7E308.
Its range can be extended by using long double datatype.
Character:- This datatype deals with
single character enclosed in single quotes. It uses 1 byte of memory space.
iv) void:-
It represents no value i.e. an empty set. It is mainly used in functions to indicate that these functions do not return any value.
Derived data type:- This type of data
type can be derived from basic datatypes. Example: array, pointers, references.
User defined datatype:- This type can be
obtained by grouping inter related data. Example structure, class, type def.
declaration and initialisation:- A variable to be used in a program should
be declared with its proper datatype.
Suppose variable
a is of type integer, b is of type float, c is of type character and d is of
type long integer, then declaration can be carried out as listed below:-
int a;
float b;
long int d;
char c;
A variable can
be initialised with pre determine value as
shown below
int s=0;
char ch= ‘y’;
Operators:- C++ is rich in supporting many types of
operators as illustrated below.
A statement is a command given to the system
to carry out a specific task. The statement consists of operators and operands
where operators specify type of operation to be carried on operand.
Here a and b are
identifiers whose value is to be added and assigned in c. ‘+’ and ‘=’ are operators.
Hi,you have done a great job,i totally understand about it ,dude i also written about it ,check out https://madhavbansal.blogspot.com/2019/04/tokens-or-lexical-units-in-c.html
ReplyDeletealso https://madhavbansal.blogspot.com/