
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Basic Input Output functions in C++

These functions are used to provide input through console and display the output console.

Input functions
1.       scanf():- It can be used to provide numeric and non numeric values to the variable as shown below.
                int a;
                float b;
                char c;
header file is <stdio.h>

2.       getchar():- It is used to read 1 character at a time supplied through the keyboard.
                char c = getchar();
header file is <stdio.h>

3.       gets():- This function is used to read a string (an array of characters). It reads one line at a time.
                char name[80]; //array declaration
header file is <stdio.h>

4.       getch():- It reads a character from the screen with echo off i.e. the character pressed is not displayed.
                char c = getch();
header file is <conio.h>

5.       getche():- Like getch this function reads a character from the screen but with echo on.
                char c = getche();
header file is <conio.h>

6.       cin.get():- It is used to read one character or string from the screen.
                  char c;
                  char set[80];
‘\n’ is delimiter and 80 is size of string to be read.
header file is <iostream>

7.       cin.getline():- It is used to read a string from  the screen.
                  char set[80];
                  cin.getline(st,80,‘\n’); or cin.getline(st,80);
header file is <iostream>

Output functions

1.       printf():- It can be used to display numeric and non numeric values to the variable as shown below.
                int a;
                float b;
                char c;
header file is <stdio.h>

2.       putchar():- It is used to display 1 character at a time.
header file is <stdio.h>

3.       puts():- This function is used to display a string (an array of characters).
                char name[80]; //array declaration
header file is <stdio.h>

4.       putch():- It displays a character from the screen with echo off.
header file is <conio.h>

5.       putche():- Like putch this function displays a character on the screen but with echo on.
header file is <conio.h>

6.       cout.get():- It is used to display one character or string on the screen.
                  char c;
header file is <iostream>

7.       cout.write():- This function can be used to display one or more characters as specified by the type
This can be used to display part of the string as specified by the size n.
                  cout.write(st,n); //it displays first n characters of string st.
header file is <iostream>

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